Lute Designer Changelog

Remember to hit ctrl+F5 or shift+F5 in the main Lute Designer tab if it seems like you don't have the latest version!

2024-10-23 Earlier promises

  • This time actually added preset, bridge and pegbox styles for Rauche.
  • 2024-09-21 New body shapes

  • Added Edlinger (Dieffopruchar) 13c and Stradivari 11c body shapes. The Stradivari is based on an original template, and there was no middle shape for it, but a reasonable guess is made for it.
  • Behind the scenes, a rewrite of the whole app is underway. Recently I have been working on calculating the endclasp in 3D, previously this has been just an estimate. Drawing many instruments side by side now works nicely. Next would be rib templates and finally molds.
  • 2024-01-11 Bug fixes, Railich theorbos

  • Added Railich 1664 and c.1650 theorbo body shapes and presets.
  • Fixed fresh start not being able to finish the default drawing due to not being able to get a mensur.
  • Fixed bug where choosing a preset turned off technical mode, hiding rib and form templates.
  • 2024-01-11 new shape

  • Added Burkholtzer bass rider lute body shape and preset.
  • 2023-12-28 a whoopsie

  • It was pointed out that the Harz body shape was too small in width by about 4 mm, so it has now been corrected.
  • Added STL export for the inevitable 3D printing of lutes (Somebody has to prove it won't work, right?)
  • 2023-10-30 Rauche and a whoopsie

  • Added Michael Rauche 1726 swan neck baroque lute body shape, neck shape and preset.
  • Corrected string length bug - strings and neck on the front view were being drawn 10 mm too short.
  • 2023-10-16 Preset fix and data validation

  • Changing pegbox style to doublehead now correctly creates all bass nuts.
  • Anything that is not a number entered into a number field is now recognized and the field turns red in anger until you fix the number.
  • 2023-09-03 Hotfix for URL data reading

  • Fixed newly introduced bug that made all boolean values default to true in old URLs.
  • 2023-08-30 Bugfixes etc

  • Fixed bug where the bridge and strings were drawn all over the place on the first time the instrument was drawn.
  • Tweaked visuals.
  • Added many shorthand codes for data to make URLs shorter. If a field contains the default value, it is omitted completely. Lutedesigner links are now less scary looking.
  • 2023-06-10 12c Pegbox

  • Dutch 12c double head pegboxes can now be drawn procedurally.
  • Renaissance style pegboxes can be made curvy with Neck->Pegbox Curve.
  • Pegbox angle can now be freely set with Neck->Pegbox Angle.
  • Bridge can now be offset sideways too.
  • 2023-05-07 Theorbo Pegboxes

  • Added Christoph Koch (Venice 1654, Musée de la Musique E.546) archlute body shape and preset.
  • Now able to draw different theorbo upper pegboxes.
  • Pegs and pegholes are drawn procedurally.
  • Added Martinus Harz, Christoph Koch, flatter Koch inspired, and a French style theorbo head into pegbox/extension style menu. Some of them come with an associated extension twist style, like the Harz and the French style.
  • English theorbos can be created by adding multiple bass nuts and by using any of the theorbo pegboxes, but there is also a small pegbox housing two courses specifically for this style.
  • 2023-03-28

  • Added a list of strategic measurements and info about the instrument being drawn.
  • Made previously added Deepen body default to 0 since it can break rib calculations unless used with a semicircular body.
  • 2022-10-01

  • Added a nice way to show distances on the drawing with curly brackets
  • Added Dieffopruchar c.1600 bass lute body (converted by Edlinger to a baroque lute) preset and bass rider style.
  • Added Deepen body option for creating mandolino style bodies with wide last ribs. Particularly useful if you want to use an otherwise semicircular body with the other ribs being all the same. Also cleaned and debugged endclasp generation and form creation.
  • Fixed bug with classical construction, where a combination of bottom arc radius smaller than side radius and wedge angle and shoulder reduction didn't work properly.
  • 2021-08-27

  • Fixed SVG dropping bug (quotes changed to " (by inkscape?) not being recognized).
  • Added guitar side angle, side template now shown with angled shape overlay.
  • 2021-08-18 The Vihuela Update

  • Ruler tool now shows angle in degrees.
  • Added Swan neck pegbox style.
  • Fixed editing bass nuts, now creates new nuts with default instead of empty values.
  • Added Francis Palmer Orpharion body shape.
  • Added Chambure vihuela body and pegbox shape.
  • Added Dias renaissance guitar body and pegbox shape.
  • Added vihuela bridge style.
  • Added guitar rib concavity and taper, 'Add to last rib' now also affects guitars. Fixed guitar body scaling not being applied to sideview neck.
  • Updated 3D body model creation to support concave guitar ribs and to do a better job on lute bodies in general.
  • 3D view is now updated in realtime when settings are changed.
  • Added frets to 3D view.
  • 2021-04-06 3D stuff.

  • Now drawing correct neck angle in 3D view, and rosette now drawn as a hole in the soundboard.
  • Added basic renaissance pegbox and guitar headstocks to 3D view.
  • Nuts and strings drawn on 3D view.
  • Undo/redo functionality update: Instrument preset changes now recognized correctly.
  • Changing string length unit type now changes mensur to match unit, except when expressed in frets.
  • 2021-02-14 Restarted from zero.

  • Major rework of the whole codebase to a more object-oriented programming style. The idea being that when an instrument is stored as an object, it would be possible to draw many of them side by side for comparison, or to use Lute Designer embedded on websites. This is not yet anywhere near completion.
  • Replaced old buggy angle calculations with correct math. It is amazing how far one can get with just 180 degrees.
  • Added drag&drop functionality. You can now drop an SVG file created by Lute Designer on the window, and the program will redraw the instrument based on information saved in the SVG file. Only SVG files downloaded after 2021-03-07 contain the necessary information, older files will not work.
  • Added error splash window for improved program-user communication.
  • 2021-01-17 Added changelog and guitar functionality.

  • Added guitar mode selector under Body.
  • Body construction method selector now hides some lute-only options when guitar mode is selected.
  • Added Voboam and Sellas guitar shapes.
  • populateeditor() now puts guitar shapes into their own dropdown menu
  • Added capability to draw arbitrary pegbox shape as long as shapes have been defined in general.svg and named properly (pegbox-Name-front)// TODO: Should also autofill pegbox style selector from general.svg and remove some presets, move them to a standard position
  • Added moustachios, and guitar bridges are drawn without taper. Guitar neck drawn differently to lute necks on the side view.
  • Tweaked soundboard bar drawing code
  • Added capability to draw flat, angled and round guitar backs, and to calculate resulting rib and side shapes.
  • Moved things around in options, added 3D view to button row.
  • Added Loading splash and progress bar.
  • Now draws pegs fully on theorbos.
  • 2020-09-5 Mandolinos

  • Added some presets for mandolinos
  • Bridge presets drawn smaller on mandolinos
  • Added mandolino, mandora, colascione pegbox presets
  • Rib templates are drawn vertically, and are marked for widest point and neckjoint.
  • Updated 3D model with nicer rib color, soundboard, rosette circle, accurate neck, bridge. Fixed drawing of ribs in certain funky edge cases.
  • 2020-08-10 UI enhancements

  • Made menu areas collapsible.
  • Added undo and redo buffer to make this seem like real software
  • Added buttons for zoom, undo and redo, and measurement.
  • 2020-07-21 New mold methods

  • Added simple mold
  • Added knockdown mold that is easy assemble
  • 2018-2020

  • Many things